1. 1993.9-1997.6:甘肃农业大学,蔬菜学专业,农学学士;
2. 2002.9-2005.6:西北农林科技大学,蔬菜学专业,农学硕士;
3. 2005.9-2008.6:西北农林科技大学,蔬菜学专业,农学博士;
4. 1997.7-2002.6:甘肃省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,研究实习员;
5. 2002.7-2005.6:甘肃省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,助理研究员;
6. 2008.7-2010.6:山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院,讲师;
7. 2009.1-2012.5:山东农业大学园艺学博士后流动站,博士后;
8. 2010.7-2018.6:山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院,副教授;
9. 2011.1-2011.3:加拿大农业与农业食品部,访问学者;
10. 2018.7-2021.7:山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院,教授;
11. 2014.12-2015.7:美国伊利诺伊斯大学香槟分校(UIUC),访问学者;
12. 2019.10-2020.10:加拿大圭尔夫大学(UOG),访问学者;
13. 2021.8-至今:中国农业科学院都市农业研究所,研究员。
1. Man Li, Yiman Li, Wendong Zhang, Shuhao Li, Yong Gao, Xizhen Ai, Dalong Zhang, Binbin Liu∗, Qingming Li∗. Metabolomics analysis reveals that elevated atmospheric CO2 alleviates drought stress in cucumber seedling leaves. Analytical Biochemistry, 2018, 559: 71–85.
2. B.B. LIU, M. LI, Q.M. LI∗, Q.Q. CUI, W.D. ZHANG, X.Z. AI, and H.G. BI. Combined effects of elevated CO2 concentration and drought stress on photosynthetic performance and leaf structure of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings. Photosynthetica, 2018, 56 (3): 942-952.
3. Xin Zhong, Yuting Li, Xingkai Che, Zishan Zhang, Yiman Li, Binbin Liu, Qingming Li∗, Huiyuan Gao∗. Significant inhibition of photosynthesis and respiration in leaves of Cucumis sativus L. by oxybenzone, an active ingredient in sunscreen. Chemosphere, 2019, 219: 456-462.
4. Xin Zhong, Xingkai Che, Zishan Zhang, Shuhao Li, Qingming Li∗, Yuting Li∗, Huiyuan Gao. Slower development of PSI activity limits photosynthesis during Euonymus japonicus leaf development. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 136: 13–21.
5. Shuhao Li, Yiman Li, Xinrui He, Qingming Li∗, Binbin Liu∗, Xizhen Ai, Dalong Zhang. Response of water balance and nitrogen assimilation in cucumber seedlings to CO2 enrichment and salt stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 139: 256–263.
6. Qingming Li, Yuping Liu, Subo Tian, Zengwen Liang, Shuhao Li, Yiman Li, Min Wei, Dalong Zhang. Effect of supplemental lighting on water transport, photosynthetic carbon gain and water use efficiency in greenhouse tomato. Scientia Horticulturae, 2019, 256, 108630
7. Qingqing Cui, Yiman Li, Xinrui He, Shuhao Li, Xin Zhong, Binbin Liu, Dalong Zhang∗, Qingming Li∗. Physiological and iTRAQ based proteomics analyses reveal the mechanism of elevated CO2 concentration alleviating drought stress in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 143: 142-153. (2区IF=3.404)
8. Qingming Li, Min Wei, Yiman Li, Gaili Feng, Yaping Wang, Shuhao Li, Dalong Zhang∗. Effects of soil moisture on water transport, photosynthetic carbon gain and water use efficiency in tomato are influenced by evaporative demand. Agricultural Water Management, 2019, 226: 1-10.
9. Xin Zhong, Craig A Downs, Xingkai Che, Zishan Zhang, Yiman Li, Binbin Liu, Qingming Li∗, Yuting Li, Huiyuan Gao. The toxicological effects of oxybenzone, an active ingredient in suncream personal care products, on prokaryotic alga Arthrospira sp. and eukaryotic alga Chlorella sp.. Aquatic Toxicology, 2019, 216: 1-9.
10. X. ZHONG, Y.T. LI, Z.S. ZHANG, S.H. LI, Y.M. LI, B.B. LIU, Q.M. LI∗. Inhibition of photosynthesis in cucumber leaves by oxybenzone. Photosynthetica, 2020, 58 (1): 1-8.
11. Shuhao Li, Yiman Li, Yong Gao, Xinrui He, Dalong Zhang, Binbin Liu∗, Qingming Li∗. Effects of CO2 enrichment on non-structural carbohydrate metabolism in leaves of cucumber seedlings under salt stress. Scientia Horticulturae, 2020, 265, 109275.
12. Xin Zhong, Craig A. Downs, Yuting Li, Zishan Zhang, Yiman Li, Binbin Liu, Huiyuan Gao, Qingming Li∗. Comparison of toxicological effects of oxybenzone, avobenzone, octocrylene, and octinoxate sunscreen ingredients on cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus L.). Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 714, 136879.
13. Yiman Li#, Shuhao Li#, Xinrui He, Weili Jiang, Dalong Zhang, Binbin Liu∗, Qingming Li∗. CO2 enrichment enhanced drought resistance by regulating growth, hydraulic conductivity and phytohormone contents in the root of cucumber seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 152: 62-71.
14. Xin Zhong, Craig A. Downs, Xingkai Che, Zishan Zhang, Yiman Li, Binbin Liu, Yuting Li, Huiyuan Gao*, Qingming Li*. Response to Comments on “The toxicological effects of oxybenzone, an active ingredient in suncream personal care products, on prokaryotic alga Arthrospira sp. and eukaryotic alga Chlorella sp.”. Aquatic Toxicology, Available online 14 May 2020, 105500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105500
15. Yiman Li, Wendong Zhang, Dalong Zhang, Yinjian Zheng, Yaliang Xu, Binbin Liu*, Qingming Li*. Mechanism of [CO2] enrichment alleviated drought stress in the roots of cucumber seedlings revealed via proteomic and biochemical analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 14911.
16. Pengpeng Mao1, Qingming Li1, Yamin Li, Yaliang Xu, Qichang Yang, Zhonghua Bian, Sen Wang, Limei He, Zhigang Xu, Yinjian Zheng*, Houcheng Liu*. The beneficial functions of blue light supplementary on the biosynthesis of glucosinolates in pakchoi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis) under greenhouse conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2022, 197, 104834.
17. S. H. Li, Y. M. Li, M. Li, X. R. He, W. L. Jiang, B. B. Liu*, and Q. M. Li*. CO2 enrichment improves the drought resistance of cucumber seedlings by improving antioxidant capacity and sucrose metabolism. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2022, 69, 126.
18. Wendong Zhang, Yiman Li, Yaliang Xu, Yinjian Zheng, Binbin Liu*, Qingming Li*. Alternate drip irrigation with moderate nitrogen fertilization improved photosynthetic performance and fruit quality of cucumber in solar greenhouse. Scientia Horticulturae,2023, 308, 111579.
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